British Awards For Training and Higher Education

BATHE – Level 2 Certificate in Employability Skills

Employability Skills qualification are designed to support an individual successfully gaining a job, progressing in a chosen filed, preparing the individual for further study and supporting the development of techniques required for successful independent living.

These qualifications are aimed at anyone who wants to live a more independent life, progress in education and/ or their employment prospects; get into a job, develop on the job or move onto the next job, as they progress along the career ladder.

The qualifications have been designed in collaboration with a range of experts from various industry sections, training providers and employment and recruitment professionals to ensure the content matches what is needed and valued by today’s employment market, also meeting the needs for study programmes, traineeship and more.


This qualification is aimed at anyone who wants to live a more independent life, progress in education and/or their employment prospects; get into a job, develop on the job or move onto the next job, as they progress along the career ladder.


30 Days

BATHE Level 2 Certificate in Employability Skills qualification totals 150 Notional Learning Hours (NLH).

Learners must achieve all units that provide a combined total value of 15 credit to achieve the qualification.


Pass English Level Test with a minimum of score (B2 CEFR level knowledge), (B2 59-66 GSE).

Unit 426
Contributing to a team
LO1 – Be able to give reasons why effective teamwork is important
LO2 – Understand how team values and procedures can vary
LO3 – Understand the roles people may take in a teamwork situation
LO4 – Understand what needs to be done to achieve a team goal
LO5 – Be able to work with others towards with others towards achieving shared objectives in a well-defined situation
LO6 – Be aware of own contribution to team progress
Unit 449
Understanding Conflict at work
LO1 – Understand the cause and effect of conflict in the place of work
LO2 – Recognise types of behavior that are unacceptable in a work situation
LO3 – Understand how conflict in a work situation can be prevented
Unit 502
Attitudes for learning and work
LO1 – Demonstrate a range of positive qualities, attitudes and behavior for learning and work
LO2 – Understand why effective communication is important
LO3 – Work effectively
Unit 504
Communicating with others in the workplace
LO1 – Define the meaning of communication
LO2 – Understand the difference between formal and informal communication
LO3 – Know the most appropriate methods of communicating in the workplace
Unit 506
Applying for a job
LO1 – Understand the different ways of applying for jobs
LO2 – Be able to produce targeted Curriculum Vitae
LO3 – Be able to write a covering letter
LO4 – Be able to complete job applications
Unit 510
Introduction to leadership
LO1 – Understand the main styles of leadership
Unit 517
Managing time in the workplace
LO1 – Understand the importance of time management
LO2 – Understand the techniques that can be used to manage time
LO3 – Be able to use time management techniques
Unit 519
Dealing with challenges
LO1 – Understand differenttypes of challenge
LO2 – Understand how to cope with challenges
LO3 – Respond positively to challenges